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Closing Thoughts kitchen, where foods that enhance health are brought
forth daily from the fresh ingredients we’re so blessed
to have. These become living creations—juices,
So we come to the end of Celebrate! I am so grateful
that our worlds have come together! soups, salads, smoothies, and more—inspired meals.

Creativity in the kitchen comes at any time and Rex
The recipes are here for you to use as they are, or as
springboards to create your own unique and heartfelt and I like to take advantage of the extra energy that’s
versions. This is the leading us on to a better life, where anything and
beauty of inspiration and everything can happen!
We’ve learned that the
only place to begin is
Inspiration comes from
so many unexpected right where we are,
places! It leaps from in this very moment.
one place to another, Breath by breath,
like fire that catches my thought by thought, day
spirit and ignites me into by day. Taking small
taking action. Inspiration steps automatically
can come from builds growth and
anywhere—a pet, the brings change. And
fragrance of a flower, an before we know it, a
unexpected smile from new level has emerged
a stranger, hearing a and we can look back
musician singing on the and marvel at how far
sidewalk, seeing mounds we’ve come.
of abundant fruits and I remind myself that my
veggies at the market, human side evolves at
soaking up the love its own pace, and that
during a family get-together, looking at a beautiful patience is vital! Changing traditions— like holiday
piece of art, or through any of a hundred thousand meals, or learning new skills— takes practice. Over a
other ways.
period of time, changes anchor in.
Inspiration thrives in the creative, spiritual, and I’m certain that the desire for vibrant health is held
artistic realms. Like intuition, inspiration has its own within the heart of everyone’s dreams. I often wonder
unique signature. Catching these waves and riding how we can invite ourselves to slow down and listen
them to places of new discovery is one of life’s to the rhythms of our life? How can we make it a
greatest pleasures.
priority to take the time to create, to breathe, in this

Intuition and inspiration thrive in our raw food very moment with full acceptance, and to just be?

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