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A Message From Me to You Rex and I started a website, The Healing Feast, to document our
I am a lover of life! Lover of people, forests, journey. The site celebrates raw food, intuitive
flowers, beauty, nature, mystical poetry, animals, eating and food preparation, and living a love-
photography, art, writing, whole vegan raw foods, based life. Out of that website two books have
sharing the joy, and spirituality! emerged—Temple Food: Nourishing the Body as a
Sanctuary for Spirit, and now the latest, Celebrate!
I was born in Seattle, Washington, and grew up
with stunning views of the Olympic If the recipes in Celebrate! aren’t
Mountains, Puget Sound, the Gulf quite what you’re looking for, then
Islands, Mt. Rainier, and forests. drop by our website and check out the
These imprinted deeply in my archive section. There are so many
heart and soul, and were healing recipes and stories in there for you to
balms as I grew up. I spent hours access and enjoy. It’s been our gift to
each summer baking in the sun, the world since 2007.
gathering the solar heat to hold
me through the rainy, grey, damp I feel that we can create beauty,
winters. The holiday season marked health, and healing in our lives. Our
an exciting break in the dreariness, thoughts and emotions will often
bringing colors, brightness, music, determine much of the outcome, and
delicious smells and food, gifts, and gatherings the great forming substance will create anything
into our lives that we all enjoyed so much. And if it that we can imagine. So let us dream to our highest
snowed, I was in heaven! capabilities, and make something that we can pass
to future generations, something that will help the
Celebrate! is my new theme for life. To feel the whole planet for many years to come!
joy and magic in everyday living and to celebrate
and honor all that is good. And despite the world I’ve had a wonderful time putting Celebrate!
condition, there is so much in life that is good. together, pulling out favorite photos, writing
poems, gathering and creating new recipes, and
In 2000 my husband, Rex, and I began our sharing with you all the beauty that comes through
raw food journey. Health conditions led me to this short, six week period in our year. I would
do so: serious hormonal imbalances, chemical love to hear your stories, and you can contact
sensitivities, muscular-skeletal challenges, several me through The Healing Feast, or find me on
injuries (foot and ribs), and heavy metal toxicity, Facebook. I’m so delighted that you have become a
to name a few. It has been a long, slow, and steady part of Celebrate!
road to recovery, making for some challenging
times to be sure. Wonderful healers have come into And in closing, remember, that a smile from the
my life at just the right time, helping me to find heart is a gift to receive! This love flows through
more strength to go on and to take the next step. the food and touches everything we say and do!