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Changing ourselves is a powerful, ongoing process. multitudes of people around the globe!
We renew from the inside out, first through our
thoughts and feelings, and then through actions taken And... if you’re creating new traditions, as Rex and
physically to make our dreams a living reality. Diet I have, we’ll be walking with you on an exciting
is one of the biggest influences for our health, along path of exploration and transformation as we search
with the ideas we carry about ourselves. together for the perfect balance and harmony with
food, love, and life!
Deepak Chopra writes in his book, Quantum Healing,
“The mind and the body are like parallel universes. Bells are ringing
Anything that happens in the mental universe must through my being,
leave tracks in the physical one.” I think it works the proclaiming all that is good.
other way too, in that what I do also affects how I
think and feel. May every moment be filled with the life and love
that is cherished deeply in the soul,
Practicing relaxation, walking barefoot along the embedded in the heart,
beach, taking meals outside, watching the wind blow and shared with loved ones
across a meadow— these are all simple practices— through laughter, peace, caring, and joy,
“living recipes”— to boost joy and to help us to enter and the amazing deliciousness
the state of being that the Asians call rupasampat
wahya bhiantara, “the balance between that which of really great food!
is visible and that which lies within”. (From Asian
Secrets of Health, Beauty, and Relaxation.)
In closing, I know from my own experiences that the
holidays run deep in my cellular memories. Most of
us treasure the foods and customs that we grew up
with and we want to recreate the same experiences for
our children. Yet, if you’re like me, making changes
to time honored menus may feel like the right thing to
do—and the recipes in Celebrate! have been created
for this purpose—to help, to inspire, and to bring
health and vitality into your life! These menus can be
used at any time of the year, too!
I wish you many blessings as you celebrate the season
with your beloved traditions, be they Thanksgiving,
Christmas, the Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa,
Ramadan, or any of the many hundreds of others,
all equally unique, and equally beautiful for the