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P. 50
Warmed Red Cabbage with Apples,
Leeks, & Cinnamon
My mother made a fabulous Danish Red Cabbage 1/4-1/2 teaspoon fennel
for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and it was always 1 tiny shake clove
a family favorite. Rex and I wanted to create a raw Pinch of Himalayan salt, and black pepper to taste
food version of her classic dish, and this is it. It’s
tangy-sweet and full of crunch and flavor! Warm Directions
just a little for a raw dish, or gently simmer for 1-2 Slice cabbage with a mandoline to make fine slices
minutes for a lightly cooked dish. that are easy to chew. Put in a frying pan.
Sliver-cut leeks, and dice apples.
Ingredients: serves 2-4 Add to pan with oil, vinegar, and spices.
2 cups red cabbage, finely shredded Warm to desired temperature, stirring continuously.
1/2 cup leeks, super thinly sliced Dish up into bowls or onto small plates.
1 cup apples, diced Garnish with a single walnut half.
2 tablespoons Spectrum Walnut Oil, or a sweet
olive oil This dish is best served warm, so have everything else
1 tablespoon Juniper Balsamic Vinegar ready to go and warm it up at the last minute. Takes
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon about one minute.