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P. 46
Start Your Day with a Morning
Ambrosia Berry Smoothie
Delight in this utterly enticing smoothie that’s
loaded with powerful antioxidants from health-
boosting strawberries, marionberries, cherries,
and raspberries for a mouth-watering, fat-free,
breakfast that will energize the body and mind.
Ingredients: Serves 4-8
3+ cups pure water
3+ cups mixed berries, fresh or frozen with
pitted cherries, if available
4 bananas, peeled
2 dates, pitted
Defrost berries, if needed.
Put into Vitamix or blender with water until
seeds are ground, about one minute. (If you are
using a standard blender, you may need to strain
blended berries to remove most seeds. )
Add bananas and dates and blend again until
velvety smooth.
Note: A Vitamix is powerful enough to grind
up the hard, tiny seeds in berries, which contain
wonderful health properties!