Page 53 - index
P. 53
Remove the mold. What was on the bottom is now on while photos were taken of them with various children and
the top! passengers. Since Rex wasn’t with me, I knew he wouldn’t
Squeeze orange juice on the salad for the simplest want to miss out on a ride, so I headed home to collect
dressing—or use the Honey Mustard Dressing on him. And we were so glad I did, because the experience
page 37, or the Cilantro-Lime Dressing, below. transported us into realms from another time, and
connected us to the horses in unexpected ways.
Cilantro-Lime Dressing
Minutes later we were in the open air carriage, breathing
1/2 cup loosely chopped and packed fresh cilantro in fresh, cold air. The colors of the buildings and the
(avoid tough stems)
people looked etched with clarity. The power of the horses
1/4 cup mild tasting oil—use your favorite kind was immense, and they listened intently with ears turned
1 clove garlic just a little bit back so they could hear their master when
2 tablespoons water he spoke, “walk on, steady now, okay go, and, careful!”
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tablespoon honey or sweetener of choice, optional We sucked in our breath as we surged up a hill, where
young carollers sang with smiling faces. The word
Put all ingredients in food processor (or blender), and momentum took on a whole new meaning! At the ride’s
pulse to desired consistency. end, when we pulled up to the old Fairhaven Hotel where
Santa sat inside to greet eager children, Rex and I got
out and thanked the horses with gratitude for their gift of
Our hearts were filled in that moment, and they still glow
as we remember the horses and a moment of magic.
A Christmas gift came our way-
a free horse and carriage ride around the streets of our
little village, Fairhaven. I caught sight of two huge, black
Percheron draft horses jaunting down the street, with
their big hooves clopping, bells on their black leather
harnesses jingling, pulling a carriage filled with merry,
rosy-faced people and wide-eyed children.
I stood transfixed, watching as my throat tightened with
emotions because I love horses and rarely see them in
a city setting. Black stallions pull the strongest on my
heartstrings, and the two that were hooked up to the
carriage were stunning. When the carriage came to a stop
I had to go to the horses to get as close as possible. Steam
poured off their hides as they stood calmly and politely