Page 37 - index
P. 37
2 teaspoons lemon juice Tahini-Mustard dressing
1/2 teaspoon curry powder 2 tablespoons honey
Handful of walnuts, cashews, and raisins 2 tablespoons stone ground mustard,
2 tablespoons tahini
Directions Pure water to dilute to desired consistency.
Begin to make noodles. As you work, transfer the
noodles to a measuring cup, pressing down lightly Whisk until velvety smooth.
so that you’ll have the right amount. Cut noodles to
desired size.
Intuitive Food Preparation
Scrub beet, apple, and yam. Remove skin or any bad I love to enter the realm of creation while I’m in
spots. Pat dry. the kitchen! I find all the elements exist there, in the
Spiralize yam, and transfer noodles to a mixing bowl. cupboards, the fridge, as well as in my thoughts, and
Add oil and curry, and mix to coat. in the world around me. My intentions and desires
Transfer yam noodles to a serving plate.
Spiralize beet, and put noodles in mixing bowl. ripple out and touch the surrounding atmosphere and
Add balsamic vinegar and mix to coat. environment and unique ideas are then reflected back
Layer on top of yams. to me. I’m thinking that huge amounts of information
Rinse the mixing bowl so that the beet color doesn’t pass back and forth in this way every second! Staying
get on the apples. open and watching what excites me, being inspired
Spiralize the apple and put noodles in mixing bowl. through the beauty of nature, books, movies, music,
Add lemon juice, and mix to coat. comments that people say, posts on Facebook—these
Place on top of beet noodles. have the potential to become creative clues that
Put nuts and raisins in a food processor and pulse to
desired texture. Sprinkle on mix on top of salad. can guide me, moment by moment, day by day. For
Serve as is, or with the Tahini-Mustard Dressing. me, the kitchen is an amazing place to play in, to
experiment in, and to experience that bubbling, crazy,
exciting, and often messy creative process that makes
life so enjoyable and fun!