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off water by pouring groats and water into a strainer. 1 Medjool date,
Rinse very well under cool water and drain. Place 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, optional
a plastic bag over the strainer, and let sprout in the
kitchen for about 2 days. Rinse and drain twice daily. Soak almonds for 6-10 hours. Drain and rinse.
Give a final rinse before making the granola. There Sprout for another twelve hours (optional).
should be no mucilaginous residue left on the groats. Put into Vitamix or high speed blender with water,

date, and optional vanilla extract, and blend on
Make the date sauce and pour on top of buckwheat. highest speed for 30-60 seconds.
Add nuts, raisins, coconut, sunflower, pumpkin, and Strain through a nut milk bag or sieve.
sesame seeds, and mix until all the ingredients are Note: Tea strainers won’t work—the mesh is too fine.
evenly coated. Evenly spread onto 2 Teflex sheets to Save or freeze the pulp to use in breads, patties, or
about 1/2 inch thick, and leave lots of little holes and add to smoothies.
gaps. The date sauce will hold everything together.
Dehydrate for 4-5 hours at 110 degrees. Store in a Hemp Milk Variation
covered container, and refrigerate for later use. Hemp seeds makes a nourishing seed milk full of

healthy, Omega 3 EFA’s.
Date Sauce
1/3 cup hemp seeds
6-8 Medjool dates 2 Medjool dates
1/2 cup water 3 cups water
1/4 teaspoon Himalayan salt, optional
1-2 tablespoons Spectrum walnut oil Blend on highest speed until smooth and creamy.
No straining is necessary.
Blend dates with water, oil, and optional salt in a
blender until smooth.

Almond Milk

Almond milk is rich and creamy and tastes amazingly
good with our granola. The milk is loaded with
enzymes, heart-healthy vitamins, minerals, and more.
You can blend the milk with a banana and a few
shakes of nutmeg to create a “raw nog”, or top off a
steaming cup of chai tea for a delicious drink. Enjoy it
plain, in smoothies, soups for added nutrition.

1/4 cup organic almonds, soaked, optional
3-4 cups pure water

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