Page 27 - index
P. 27

mix well. With a spoon, scoop out about a rounded Thanksgiving is a time to be together with
tablespoon of the mix, put into palm of hand, and openness, acceptance, and gratitude. These qualities
roll into a ball. Repeat process. Arrange on plate, and
sprinkle coconut on top. can be so easy to forget or lose sight of, which can
happen in the blink of an eye. A reaction to something
I see, or a comment someone makes, can suddenly
bring a shift in my attitude which pulls me away from

my heart.

Gratitude and grace help me to stay in a state of

I once loved a boy who came for dinner giving, whether it’s thankfulness for the food on
and I tried to win him over by making my mom’s the table, or a kiss from our grandchild. His free
irresistible strawberry pie with whipping cream. Pies expression of love, like a waterfall of joy, tumbles into
were not my forte, but that one time everything came our world and finds its home.

together perfectly and he was impressed with the pie,
but it didn’t make him love me. I imagine gratitude spherically, like the sun in all its
glory, a metaphor for the heart expanding, radiating
Later I found the man of my dreams, and now we through countless realms. In the center of this love,

have discovered that we can make pies that aren’t where giving and receiving become one continuous
cooked—scrumptious raw food pies with nut crusts flow, goodness merges into something greater and
and fruit fillings. We share these for our anniversary, become the gateway that can touch the core and
after we renew our vows. essence of life itself.

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