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Engaging, Hearty Entrees and Bread

Almost everyone who’s embarked upon the meal. If a salad and a smoothie are eaten during
raw food path has wondered, what can I make the day, the total raw food intake will be about
for dinner? Finding foods that feel equal to 60-70%. Then, depending upon how much
favorite cooked foods are what most people cooked food is eaten for dinner, the percentage
need in the beginning. I used to stare at all the can go up. It’s really this simple.
fresh produce in the fridge and feel unsure

about what I should do. It took several months The raw breads are delicious and satisfying,
before the new rhythms took hold. but take a little time to prepare—mostly from
the soaking and sprouting process, and the few
The creation of raw food entrees fres the hours of dehydrating time. The actual hands-
imagination, and you can explore many on working time is closer to twenty minutes.
elements of this vibrant cuisine as you make Breads can be used to pile on various toppings,
delicious and flling meals. Some of the entrees much like a tostada, for a whole meal entree
in Temple Food can be used for a completely that’s as flling as can be.
raw meal, or turned into a transitional dish like
Spring Rolls (shown here with a rice wrapper), It’s great to have so many choices available

or our Sweet Jamaican Sprouted Quinoa that’s because our bodies aren’t static—they fux and
topped with spicy mangos and tomatoes. When fow and change frequently. What works today
quinoa is sprouted it makes a wonderful raw might not tomorrow. This is why using our
base, or if gently steamed the heat and the intuition for food preparation is a practice well
softness of the grains soothes and comforts. worth learning, because the body, mind, and
There’s no right or wrong way... only what’s emotions will be supported and loved in the
appropriate for you on a day-to-day basis. best possible ways. Not to mention the benefts
Remember, it can be both! of developing new eating patterns that will
bring a wide range of nutrients, tastes, textures,
Transitional dishes can be served with raw side and favors to enhance health on countless

dishes, boosting the uncooked content of a levels.

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