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Captivating Soups

Small bowls of soup are a wonderful way becomes much more favorful this way. Raw
to begin a meal. Or ladle up a big bowl for soups can be served at room temperature,

a hydrating, whole meal. Either way, soup is chilled, or warmed to 115 degrees (to make
satisfying, nourishing, and it flls us up and sure that all the enzymes stay viable) for a
makes us feel good. soothing meal. A raw soup can also be turned
into a transitional cooked soup by gently

You might wonder if you can make raw soup, simmering it for 2-3 minutes and serving it
and the answer is a resounding yes! Raw soups steaming hot. On the other hand, raw soups can
are flled with beautiful textures and rich, be chilled in the fridge (like gazpacho) for those
strong favors. With tomato soup or borscht, blistering days of summer. How you choose to

we like to add a dollop of Sunfower-Cashew prepare soup has everything to do with your
Seed Cheese, page 119, which is much like tastes and preferences, and how much raw or
adding sour cream. We’ve discovered that raw cooked foods you enjoy.
borscht never fails to energize and fortify us if

our immune systems feel on the edge. There’s also something so satisfying about
eating food from a bowl, and because of this
One of the benefts of making a raw soup is we like to choose pretty tableware in which to
that juice can be used for the base, and this will ladle our soup. The soups in this section can be

further enhance the nutrient content. Juicing prepared and served in any of the ways listed
frst, then adding in chopped veggies is easy to above. If you decide to use heat, do so gently,
do, and the results are worth the extra time and never boil soup because the favor and
it takes, not to mention the taste. The soup many of the nutrients will be diminished.

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