Page 34 - TempleFood_eBook_Master_December_Proof4.indd
P. 34

Temple Food

Contemplation Seeds

The following “painted poems” took form during daily contemplations as my
awareness opened to new vistas in the inner worlds of being. In this spiritual place,

many aspects of the vast subject of food, health, and healing were revealed.

I discovered that the depth and breadth of nourishment was expressed through
countless vibrational levels and qualities, and was not limited to the foods that

we eat—yet were interconnected in myriad ways. These connections ranged
from physical forms to uplifting states of consciousness, and were mirrored in the
ancient saying, As above, so below. This process instilled a desire to create a series of
contemplation seeds to be used as a springboard for personal exploration about

the intimate relationship we all share with food.

The following painted poems evolved over eight months. The poems would f ow
through and I would write down the words the moment they came, staying as

close to the Source as I possibly could. Each painting emerged through an intuitive
process—most of the time I never really knew what it was that I was going to
paint until the pigment touched the paper. Over time the paintings and poems
came together with synergy and love and formed a cohesive message to share.

The body is Soul’s creation.

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