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toward the better can be a form of personal and seeds, or by drinking fresh raw juices and
victory! The idea is to get started with what’s pure water in place of bottled or carbonated
available today, right now, moving at a pace beverages. Just listen to the inner guidance—it
that works, being grateful for the process of will bring truth and knowingness into your
discovery, and celebrating when new levels whole being. Tip: If you’re serious about going
of progress arrive. Over time, setting the bar raw, remove all the packaged and canned foods,

a little bit higher, increasing the amounts of and store it in a box in the basement or garage,
nutrients taken in (for example from juices), or give the food away. We did, and it really helped.
adding in detoxif cation herbs, fasting, or
working with a health care professional, may be The Kitchen: Keeping the kitchen well
what it takes before radiant health bubbles up like stocked is important because intuitive food
a pure mountain stream. preparation works so much better when
everything is at your f ngertips. Fruits can ripen
Tools for Getting Started: To begin food in bowls on the kitchen counter or on the
preparation you’ll need some basic kitchen dining room table adding beauty and fragrance.

equipment: a good sharp knife (we use a Veggies and greens are stored in the fridge.
ceramic knife), cutting board, veggie peeler and Wheat grass can grow on a windowsill. A
grater, and some bowls for mixing and serving. selection of herbs and spices is great to have
A juicer, Vitamix or blender, food processor, and for savory sauces and dressings. We stock
dehydrator are all wonderful tools, but these olive, walnut, and coconut oils, nuts and seeds
aren’t necessary to get started. When Rex and for soaking, grains like quinoa, millet, wheat
I began eating mostly raw foods we purchased berries, and buckwheat for sprouting—as well
the more expensive items over a couple of as seeds like clover, sunf ower, and alfalfa for
years as we could afford them.
making green sprouts. Our favorite workhorse

Making Changes: This can be as simple as appliances are a Hurom Juicer, a Vitamix (for
switching from white f our to whole grains, velvety smoothies, soups, dressings, and nut
from all cooked foods to 60% raw foods (just butters), an Excaliber dehydrator, and a Cuisinart
a smoothie and a salad a day!), from roasted food processor to make chopping and grinding
nuts and seeds to soaked or sprouted nuts veggies and nuts a snap.

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