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Temple Food Recipes

Welcome to the Temple Food recipe section, a I’ve been cooking and preparing food ever
celebration of the way we eat and live! What since I was a child, and like most people, I’m
you’ll f nd here has everything to do about love, self taught. What you’ll f nd here are “everyday
inner listening, intuitive food preparation, and recipes” for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert:
honoring the body with daily care through the recipes that are fast and easy to make, and can
best possible lifestyle and food choices. Enjoy be enjoyed without complication and time.

the energy from natural, organic whole foods. These are recipes that I hope you’ll want to
Bring them into the kitchen and grace your table come back to again and again. The presentation

where they will be appreciated and savored. for the meals can easily be duplicated by using
your favorite dishware, pretty napkins or place
Because each person’s dietary needs are highly mats, and f owers.
personal, only you will know what’s best for
your body, such as how much living or cooked Temple Food is about eating fresh, raw, organic
foods you can eat to feel vibrant and healthy. If whole foods: fruits, greens, veggies, soaked nuts
we remember there’s not just one way to eat, and seeds, sprouts, herbs, freshly extracted
that it can be both, this will eliminate getting juices, and pure water. With this simple

trapped in a double bind that the mind may approach, wonderful states of health can be
create. We need total freedom to be able to achieved. Nature creates food in a certain
change without fear! way, and unless tampered with by man (GMO,
pesticides, fried, denatured, etc.), they’re perfect.
To bring the message of Temple Food right into
your kitchen, you’ll f nd over a hundred vital, Culturally, we may have become attached to
delicious, and nourishing raw food recipes to certain ways of eating, often brought about
enhance health in the body. Most of the recipes through manufacturers who intentionally
call for juicy and watery ingredients which the engineer food to lure us in, or by hypnotic
body loves. And there’s a few hearty entrees to manipulation through seductive advertisements.

feast upon when hunger needs to be f lled. This is one reason that making any change

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