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Hydrating Sun Teas, Fruit Waters, and Juices

Water comes f rst! It plays such a vital role Making meals that are blended, like green

in our health, and watery foods comprise a smoothies or soups, provides the body with
large amount of Rex’s and my daily food intake. super f nely ground f ber that is advantageous
Without water we quickly become dehydrated, for those with sensitive digestive systems.
and this causes stress in our bodies. For us, This aspect, along with vitamins, minerals,

we get high amounts of liquid from drinking phytonutrients, enzymes, proteins, and amino
water, juicing, making smoothies or blended acids, strengthens us because these meals are
meals. This vitalizes, remineralizes, and alkalizes so easy to assimilate.
our bodies—all through the watery medium

of saturated nutrition. With the body ideally And let’s not forget about pure water, “earth
being comprised of 75% water and 25% solids, juice”. Now that safe water is getting harder to
hydration in these forms makes total sense. And f nd (unless you have a quality well, or live by an
we just love drinking liquids, knowing that we’re uncontaminated fresh natural spring), most of

nourishing ourselves as we take in the bounty. us have to be proactive and install a good water
f lter to get our drinking water. We often add
Juicing is one of the best ways to receive an a slice of washed organic lemon to a half gallon
instant rush of nutrients without having to jar to enliven the f ltered water with natural

digest a meal. Within f fteen minutes the bioactive ingredients. The fruit infuses countless
elements in the juice are taken up by the blood invisible micronutrients into the water, and
to be distributed to the whole body, for deep imparts a delectable taste that makes it a
cellular feeding the benef ts of this cannot be pleasure to drink. And because it tastes good,

underestimated! Juices and smoothies are also we’re more inclined to want to drink more.
our favorite methods to pack in an abundance
of raw produce without having to chew, chew,
and chew!

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