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P. 7

imagery, poetry, vibrations, and the beauty of food, nowhere. It occurred to me that my heart had

to name just a few. closed, and this was hardly the appropriate mood I
wanted to be in while making a celebratory dinner!
One of the aspects I love about raw food recipes I looked within to see what I really wanted to
is that a salad can be reduced in size to make a make, something that would keep the love flow
side dish, or an appetizer can be expanded into an going, and the answer came—pies!

entree. If you’re feeling exhausted or overworked,
something to keep in mind is to simplify. For the That day I nearly danced around the kitchen for an
menus, use as many of the recipes as you like. hour or two with such joy as three lovely pies were
Likewise, delete any if they seem like too much. created for dinner—pumpkin, apple, and blueberry.
We’re not accustomed to simplifying for holiday I didn’t make anything else, either. Just pies. Since
eating, yet a salad, or an entree by itself, can be a I’d discovered how to make nut crusts (normally,
feast. When served with a beautifully decorated my whole wheat pastry flour crusts were on

table, less can definitely be more. the heavy side, and definitely lacked that flaky,
desirable texture), the pies went together quickly.
I’ll always remember Christmas day, 1995, in
Connecticut, and our traditional vegetarian holiday We set the table with festive dishes and candles,
dinner loomed before me. On that particular and put on our favorite music. The family sat
day, I didn’t want to spend hours with the food down to give thanks, and we devoured the pies—

preparation. Cajoling the family to help was going everyone loved them! We felt grateful, happy,

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