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The feast is on! they’re presented, or mix and match them to your
heart’s content. If you’re transitioning into raw
food, know that these dishes combine beautifully
I’ve had a love affair with the holiday with your favorite holiday traditional cooked
season ever since I can remember. The creativity, dishes. Make transitional vegetarian feasts with
magic, spirit, and sharing of our good fortune with both raw and cooked whole foods, like baked
friends and family through acts of giving, special or steamed veggies, squashes, yams, or gently

meals and gifts, fills my heart with gratitude. I owe simmered rice, quinoa, potatoes, or lentils. Grace
much of this joy to my mother and father, whose the table with homemade
love of these celebrations breads, settle down and
imparted lasting taste the goodness.
memories in my life.
When a desire such as

In every country, ancestral eating more raw or healthy
traditions play a powerful foods is held within the
role that runs deep in heart and mind, changes
our collective roots, often soon follow. The
arising from the diverse body is a storehouse of
cultures from around the wisdom, and can give us

globe. For many of us, an amazing amount of
foods eaten during the information. This becomes
holidays from customs amplified when we make
that have been handed full use of our intuition’s
down through the generations, no longer serve guidance on how to proceed.

our best interests in terms of health. In my life,
this has led to a search for solutions to establish The recipes in Celebrate! are ones that are made
new traditions that focus on unique dishes made by hand, and this is a gift in itself. Like an offering
from vibrant, beautiful, and restorative foods in given to those we love, the energy and beauty in
their most natural state—raw and uncooked. With meals prepared this way fills us deeply on all levels.
the enzymes remaining intact, fresh produce is
brimming with vital nutrients to keep me feeling Remember the power of color in food! I’m

and looking my best. intensely drawn to the colors in food when I’m
looking for something to eat. They pull me right
The menus in Celebrate! have been in. And it makes me wonder if it’s the color I need,
created so that you can make raw food feasts that just as much as the food itself, because the body is
are sumptuous and delicious. Use the menus as fed through many types of nutrition, such as music,

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