Page 21 - TempleFood_eBook_Master_December_Proof4.indd
P. 21

Luscious Fruits and Smoothies

Ah, fresh fruits. They’re cleansing, hydrating, or combine to make delicious mixed fruit
energizing, as well as being heavenly scented, salads. Fruits can be blended to make tantalizing
succulent, ambrosial, and oh-so-good to eat. We sauces that are poured on top of other fruits,

enjoy fresh fruits on a daily basis in smoothies, like strawberry sauce over blueberries, or
juices, salads, or blended into thick raw apricot puree over peaches.
puddings, like the mango pudding shown at left,
glistening under strawberries and bananas. When we use fruits for juice we gravitate

to different fruits depending on the season.
Just saying the words of various fruits We might be drawn to a combination juice
transports us into a kind of bliss state: of oranges, pineapple, and grapefruit to gently
pineapples, nectarines, peaches, apricots, cleanse our lymphatic systems. Or watermelons

blueberries, raspberries, cherries, watermelons, and cantaloupe which make the most delicious
and more. Fruits have so much favor, color, and juice, and are summertime favorites. Lemons
beauty all wrapped up into a gorgeous package and apple always fnd their way into our
that doesn’t need any heating to be perfect, and powerful green juices to balance the strong

they’re utterly simple to prepare. favors of the greens and to assist with deep
tissue cleansing.
There are hundreds of fruits on the planet,
most of which we’ve never And for special occasions,

had the pleasure to eat. we indulge in fruit pies, like
Foods like durian, jackfruit, the persimmon pie shown
mangosteen, and starfruit. here, and on page 130, or
Because fruits are so easy to we’ll make a fruit crumble.

digest, they make a delightful Both are made with the
breakfast or late night snack. same nut crust that you’ll
Enjoy fruits just as they are, fnd on pages 125 and 129.

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