Page 69 - index
P. 69
Give a final rinse with pure water. Drain well. When ready, cut into pieces of any size, serve, and
Cover strainer with plastic bag. Set on counter to enjoy.
sprout. Rinse and drain well two times a day. Make
sure all the mucilaginous substance is gone before *How to Flip: Place a 2nd mesh sheet and dehydrator
using. When the “tails” are about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long tray on top of focaccia. Lift all trays together, and
they’re ready to eat. They can be stored in the fridge turn over. Lift off the tray that’s now on top, the mesh
for 3 days. Each day rinse, drain well, and cover. sheet, and then the Teflex sheet. Voila!
Directions for Making the Dough Topping
Give a final rinse to buckwheat with pure water, and 2 cups fresh spinach, chopped
drain completely. 1 cup super fresh white mushrooms or your
Put carrots, green onions, almonds, pumpkin seeds, favorite variety, sliced
sunflower seeds, dates, oil, salt and pepper, into a 1/2 to 3/4 cup zucchini, very thinly sliced (we use a
food processor using the S blade, and chop to desired mandoline)
texture. (The chunkier it is, the more textured the 3-4 tablespoons green onions, thinly sliced
bread will be.) 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
Add buckwheat, and process to desired smoothness. 2 tablespoons pine nuts or cashews
Using a Teflex sheet (on top of a mesh sheet on a 1 teaspoon each: fresh minced sage, rosemary, and
dehydrator tray), transfer dough from food processor thyme
and shape dough into a rectangle about 1/2 inch 1/4 teaspoon Himalayan salt
thick—no more, or drying time will increase. Tip: If
you place a plastic bag on top of the dough, and press Rinse veggies and mushrooms (make sure they’re
gently by hand to spread the dough, it moves like super fresh) under cold water. Pat dry.
magic under the plastic. Tidy up edges. Remove stems, or any wilted parts from spinach.
Sprinkle with sesame and sunflower seeds, a little Chop, and place in bowl.
extra salt and freshly ground black pepper, and press Slice mushrooms, zucchini, and green onions.
in gently using the plastic bag. Place in bowl and add olive oil, green onions, nuts,
Place in dehydrator at 145 degrees for 30 minutes herbs, and salt, and mix gently.
only. Don’t let it go longer or you’ll start to cook your Place on Focaccia and dehydrate as directed.
bread. This higher temperature seals the outer layer
and warms up the inside. The veggies will soften, and the taste is delicious!
Reduce heat to 110 degrees, and dehydrate for about Cut into pieces for a perfect entree, or into bite sized
90 minutes. pieces for delightful party food.
Flip*, and continue to dry for 1 hour.
Put toppings and sesame seeds on at this time,
pressing in gently.
Dehydrate for an additional hour. The toppings will
soften. Continue to dehydrate longer if needed.