Page 40 - TempleFood_eBook_Master_December_Proof4.indd
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A Little Bit About Me

Painting came at an early age, and in my teens a sky, wondering how this was going to happen.
passion for abstract expressionism emerged. I Ever since that moment my life has been devoted
often found myself in front of the easel, painting to living a spiritual life, and to exploring and
intuitively while listening to symphonic music. deepening my relationship with God.
When I turned nineteen my parents gifted me
with a golden opportunity to study art for six Temple Food was written and illustrated in two
weeks in Italy with a group of students from locations: The painted poems and the story were
across the nation. It was a total immersion created during the last years of our nine year
experience that transformed, opened, and stay on San Juan Island, Washington, in the little
inspired me. The seeds of Italy are still carried town of Friday Harbor. In 2011 we relocated to
in my heart, and one day I hope to return. Years the village of Fairhaven, Washington, on the Salish
later, I attended the Lyme Academy College Sea. We never thought we’d leave the island, but
of Fine Arts in Connecticut, where I studied life has a way of bringing change. 2012-13 marked
representational landscape painting, anatomy, the completion of the book, with the inclusion of
f gure drawing, and calligraphy. the recipe section. And through Rex’s talent as
a computer programmer, all the technical aspects
My spiritual journey began one evening in of getting Temple Food into print were handled
September, when at age f ve I played outside beautifully. I couldn’t have done it without him.
on our front lawn with the neighborhood kids.
We lived in West Seattle, Washington, and our A selection of signed, archival giclée prints
little bungalow home had a panoramic view of from Temple Food can be purchased through my
Puget Sound, Bainbridge Island, Vashon Island, website, The Healing Feast, which celebrates raw
and the Olympic Mountains. food, the art of intuitive eating and food
Something drew me away preparation, spirituality, compassion for
from the others and I sat people and the earth, and living a life of
down on a large rock. Tall love. You can contact me there at www.
poplar trees began to sway
in a soft breeze, and a few
clouds were turning pink. I would like to express my deepest
A presence came upon me, gratitude to everyone who has become
bringing an overwhelming a part of Temple Food and embraced its
desire to know God. I stood message. I send heartfelt thanks, with
up and gazed deep into the love in my heart to you all.

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